Category: Halfway Reactions

Closing Reflections

Well, the day is finally here! As of this blog post, I have finally concluded my Independent Study following Photojournalism. I have written some closing reflections for all those curious about how my study went: I think the content that was most important from this learning experience wasn’t the books or materials themselves, but what…

By Maggie Smith May 25, 2023 Off

Week Thirteen!

This week has been full of activities! I decided to go out to the boys baseball game and take pictures for them and it ended up being super fun! I also got asked to take pictures for the ITP Spring Show on Saturday and it was such a unique and incredible experience. I learned a…

By Maggie Smith April 20, 2023 Off

Halfway Reflections

So far, this Independent Study has been incredible. Since January, I have been learning about the history of Photography and who unique individuals in the industry are. I started with the very beginning, the invention of the camera, and how with it came cultural changes that I wasn’t expecting. Then I began really diving into…

By Maggie Smith March 7, 2023 Off